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    I long for the raised voice, the howl of rage or love.

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    If anything is worth doing, it's worth overdoing.


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  • Beauties call on Angelina to be honest

    Girls sporting shorts and t-shirts staged a rally in front of the Corruption Eradication Commission on Monday urging legislator Angelina Sondakh to tell the truth in her testimony before the court.

    The protesters, calling themselves “Mawar Pro Pemberantasan Korupsi” (Roses supporting corruption eradication) carried red and white roses and brandished a poster reading “Mbak Angie, Jujur Doong!” (Mbak Angie, please be honest).

    Democratic Party deputy secretary general Angelina, who became famous as Miss Indonesia 2001, is now the subject of criticism for contradictory statements, including confusion over her possession of BlackBerry devices that were allegedly used to communicate with defendant Mindo Rosalina Manullang in the case centering on the development of the 2011 SEA Games athlete’s village in Palembang. Angelina claimed that she did not own a BlackBerry until late 2010. The media has challenged her by running pictures of Angelina holding a BlackBerry on various occasions in 2009.

    Angelina also denied several meetings she reportedly had with defendants, including former Democratic Party treasurer M. Nazaruddin and several other lawmakers.

    Rally coordinator Verra said that the peaceful rally was meant to urge the KPK to prosecute anyone implicated in bribery.

    “We also want to ask Mbak Angie to tell the truth,” Verra said as quoted by tribunnews.com.

    Girl power: Several women stage a rally in front of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Monday demanding the KPK prosecute all figures implicated in bribery involving the development of the 2011 SEA Games athlete’s village in Palembang. (tribunnews.com)
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  • berita Pemenang WMM 2011 dan MYTA 2011

    GENERASIINDONESIA-- “Memulai usaha di usia muda itu banyak untungnya, bisa merasakan jatuh bangun, dan ketika jatuh mudah untuk bangkit kembali,” kata Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan dalam sambutannya ketika bersama Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa menyerahkan penghargaan anugerah Wirausaha Muda Mandiri 2011 di JCC, Jakarta, Jumat (20/1/2012).
    Expo Wirausaha Mandiri 2011 ialah yang keenam kalinya digelar sejak tahun 2007. Bedanya kali ini, disertai dengan penganugerahan Mandiri Young Technopreneur Award untuk kali pertama.

    Pada program Wirausaha Muda Mandiri (WMM) 2011, selama masa penjaringan yang memakan waktu selama 3 bulan, diikuti oleh 3.751 peserta dari 385 Perguruan Tinggi di seluruh Indonesia dengan menyisakan 69 peserta berhasil maju menjadi finalis, dengan 37 diantaranya ialah mahasiswa dan 32 peserta alumni dan pascasarjana.

    Sementara program Mandiri Young Technopreneur Award (MYTA) 2011 sebagai yang baru pertama kali diselenggarakan berhasil menjaring 617 orang peserta hingga kemudian memilih 19 orang finalis.

    Dibawah ini adalah Nama-nama Pemenang dari masing-masing kategori:

    Wirausaha Muda Mandiri (WMM) 2011

    Kelompok Mahasiswa

    Kategori Industri
    Juara I : Andi Nata (Universitas Indonesia)
    Juara II : Galih Ari Wirawan Siregar (Universitas Sumatera Utara)

    Kategori Perdagangan dan Jasa
    Juara I : Annur Budi Utama (Universitas Gajah Mada)
    Juara II : Suprana (STMIK Atma Luhur)

    Kategori Boga
    Juara I : Fauzan Rachmansyah (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
    Juara II : Khaidir Khaliq (STIE Nobel)

    Kategori Industri Kreatif
    Juara I : Fauzan A. Efwandaputra (Universitas Padjajaran)
    Juara II : Willy Aristaking (Institut Pertanian Bogor)

    Pemenang Terinovatif dan Teredukatif kategori kreatif diberikan kepada Anggi Hayani Harahap (Universitas Sumatera Utara), dan pemenang favorit versi YouTube diberikan kepada Mahendra Ega Higuitta (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)

    Kelompok Alumni dan Pascasarjana

    Kategori Industri
    Juara I : Cokro Anton Wibowo (STIE MUSI)
    Juara II : Yani Andriyani (Universitas Bandung Raya)

    Kategori Perdagangan dan Jasa
    Juara I : Agung Sri Hendarsa (Nagoya University Japan)
    Juara II : Indari Mastuti R (Universitas Pasundan)

    Kategori Boga
    Juara I : Odi Anindito (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)
    Juara II : Decky Suryata (Universitas Gajah Mada)

    Kategori Industri Kreatif
    Juara I : Sri Wahono (STMIK-STIE Darma Jaya)
    Juara II : Rahmat Hidayat (IAIN ANtasari Banjarmasin)

    Pemenang Terinovatif untuk kategori kreatif jatuh pada Jessica Diana Kartika (Universitas Kristen Petra). Sementara pemenang favorit versi YouTube diberikan kepada Sri Wahono (STMIK-STIE Darma Jaya).

    Mandiri Young Technopreneur Award (MYTA) 2011

    Kategori Energi Terbarukan
    Juara I : Nurana Indah Paramita dan Titus Deus Prizfelix (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
    Juara II : Achmad Ferdiansyah dan Ahmed Tessario (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)

    Kategori Pengelolaan Air Bersih
    Juara I : Alven Haeckal dan Indra Gunawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

    Kategori Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
    Juara I : Rizky Ario Nugroho dan M. Endri Irfanie (Institut Teknologi Telkom)
    Juara II : Rosa Kurniawan dan Fatkul Amri (Universitas Negeri Malang)

    Pemenang favorit versi YouTube: Aditya Nugraha (Institut Pertanian Bogor).

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  • Years after marriages, relationships are recognized

    Almost two dozen couples married under Islamic law, but whose relationships went without official registration for decades, finally received recognition from the Larangan Religious Affairs Agency in Tangerang on Friday.

    Most of the 22 couples admitted that they did not register their marriages due to financial problems or had been deceived by officials.

    Some also said that they did not understand the importance of registering their marriage.

    “I’ve been married for 33 years and I’ve asked someone from the agency to settle the official documents. But to date I haven’t received it,” 55-year-old husband Asnawi said as quoted by kompas.com.

    Cipadu residents M Yahya, 43, and his wife Siti Munaswaroh, 41, said that they simply did not have enough money to obtain the marriage documents.

    “My salary as an outsource worker at a private company is only Rp 60,000 (US$6) a week - not even enough to make the ends meet. That’s why the official marriage thing is delayed,” he said.

    Agency head Nurdin Usman said that couples need to pay Rp 450,000 each to obtain the marriage documents.

    “Some of the couples canceled their plans to obtain the marriage documents after hearing of the fee. Out of 33 couples, only 22 actually obtained the documents,” he said. (iwa)
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  • berita 34 illegal immigrants detained in Bantul

    Tribunnews.comTribunnews.comBantul police detained 34 alleged illegal immigrants on Friday from Middle Eastern countries who stopped at Samas Beach in Bantul, Yogyakarta en route to Australia.

    They arrived on the coast at around 5 a.m. using three vehicles that transported them from Jakarta. They intended to continue their journey using a ship, but the ship was stuck in Cilacap, Central Java, due to bad weather.

    The head of supervision and enforcement division at the Yogyakarta Immigration Office, Fitril Asmawi, said the immigrants were still being questioned by the police.

    “We will handle them afterwards,” Fitril said as quoted by tribunnews.com. Tribunnews.com/Ade RizalTribunnews.com/Ade Rizal

    Meanwhile, National Police chief spokesman Insp. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said the immigrants asked local fishermen to take them to sea. The fishermen declined the request and filed a report with the police.

    “We are still investigating how and where they entered Indonesian territory,” he said.

    “They refuse to tell us where they’re from and who helped them.” (iwaThank you for visit us,check more info
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